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 My Story 

 Hey lovely, my name is Lanna....


It's all about setting that personal intention, of what you want to happen.

I'm the face, words, intuition and intention behind

Love Happens to Me.


You may wonder - why did I call my business

Love Happens to Me?


Because more emphasis should be put on giving ourselves love, and offering ourselves the beauty of positivity and growth, rather than criticism and negativity.


For me, society focuses too much on the negative. 

It's always bad news.

And s**t always happens (apparently).


So I decided to put some Love back out there. And make sure Love Happens. To YOU


Tadah! Hello, Love Happens to Me!


Eempowering women to recognise, acknowledge and embrace their inner power

It's all about setting that personal intention, of what you want to happen.


I am an Empowerment Mentor and use a variety of

methods as well as my trainings and experiences to date.

I've studied human beings from 3 different angles:

I spent 5 years studying social impacts on human beings during my BSc and Masters in Social Anthropology at University.

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I studied the psychological side of human beings with my Psychodynamic Counselling training.

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I studied the spiritual aspects of humans through multidimensional spiritual training: crystal healing + reiki to name just two.

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The combination of these has given me great insight and understanding of how we as humans work and how best to improve our current realities.


My aim is to empower you to feel capable of making changes in your life

to live happily, fulfilled, content & in receipt of all the wonderful things you would love in your life.


Feeling full of self-belief, self-worth and self-confidence to feel free to be YOU!

Why do I do this?

Because I spent 20 years of my life not feeling good enough, feeling like

I never fitted in and that I wasn't in control of my destiny.

Things came to a head for me when I experienced crippling anxiety, and the aftermath was a huge learning curve.

So my intention is for you to not feel any of those things!

I want you to feel good enough;

in touch with your true self;

accepting of all that you are;

in love with yourself;

excited for life!


I offer many options to enhance your life experience

and make sure your soul is well and happy.

Here are some options I have for you:

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Group Programes
Coming Soon

I also sell a selection of handpicked crystal pieces that I have found on my travels (any of you that

know me will know I love to travel!) which you can find in my Crystal Shop.


How blessed I am!

So welcome lovelies, to

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Please Explore!

Any questions you have, drop them in via the comments page.

Make sure you check out my social media: 

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Facebook Group

You will find a safe space to ask questions and learn about crystals, the moon, manifesting and mindset.

Facebook Page

You will find daily motivational quotes to get you rared up and ready for life.

Instagram Page

You will find daily motivational quotes to inspire you + funny stories.

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I can't wait to hear about you and all the things you want in life.

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